Types of Appointments

INTELIDENT | Clinica stomatologica

Initial Examination:

The patient's first visit to our office will be for the Doctor to determine:


  • Is orthodontic treatment necessary, and, if so,
  • Should we treat this problem now?
  • If it appears that treatment is needed, a full diagnostic procedure may be scheduled.


Diagnostic Records

This diagnostic procedure includes impressions for study models, X-rays and photographs. These records provide the information necessary for a thorough diagnosis and treatment plan. A diagnosis is a problem list specific for the patient. A treatment plan is a suggested solution for each problem.

Treatment Conference:

After a thorough review of all diagnostic records, the Doctor will present to both parents, if possible, a thorough and complete explanation of all the problems, and an outline of the treatment solutions and make the necessary recommendations. It is important, to have parental input to design a customized treatment plan that will maximally benefit their child.

The orthodontic treatment fee is given and discussed at this visit.

Beginning of treatment:

Spacers are placed between the back teeth to create space for braces to be placed at the next visit.
A discussion of treatment, the problems and solutions, follows. Patient responsibilities are discussed, usually with a parent present. These include, but are not limited to, keeping teeth, gums and braces clean, keeping the braces intact, and remembering appointments.

The patient will return in one week to have braces placed.

Appliance Placement:

Putting on the braces (appliances) usually takes two visits separated by one week. At the first visit, all of the back braces are placed on the molar teeth. This is a simple visit of trying on various braces until the proper fit is achieved. Once the braces fit, they are removed, customized and cemented in place. This visit usually takes 30 to 40 minutes.

At the second visit, the rest of the braces are placed. These are called brackets and they are placed directly on the teeth by a dental bonding procedure. The initial wires are also placed at this time. This visit usually lasts 60 to 90 minutes.

How often are Visits?

Thanks to modern technology and being current with orthodontic techniques, we see our patients every 3-4 to 8 weeks depending on the stage of their treatment.

Our goal is to create an excellent orthodontic result in the shortest time with the least inconvenience to our busy families.